Week 1 on Keto

This is an overview of what I did and ate on the first week of my Keto challenge. I lost 3.4KG at the end of the week. This could be water weight but.... I'll take it. Hope someone finds it helpful.

Day 1
Weight(kg):  87.2
Breakfast:    2 eggs fried in butter
Lunch:          1.5 cups Chicken Soup
Supper:         0.75 cups of Chilli
Exercise:       32 minutes of exercise using the Lift Session App
                       30 minutes leisurely walk
Comments:   First day on keto. I'm so pumped. Can't wait to see how this all goes. I did my weigh in first thing in the morning. Peed on a Urine Keto Strips that I had got the previous week to test the level of ketones in my system. My ketone level was none-existent at this point 🤭.

Day 2
Weight(kg):  86.3
Breakfast:    2 eggs fried with 3 bacon strips
Lunch:          Mixed Veggie Cauliflower Rice + 1 chicken drumstick
Supper:         Tortilla + 2 chicken drumsticks
Exercise:       32 minutes of exercise using the Lift Session App
                       30 minutes leisurely walk
Comments:   Did my morning weigh in. I had dropped 0.9KG which would be water weight, I am still psyched though. Peed on a Urine Keto Strips. Strip showed that I have small amount of ketones in my system.

Day 3
Weight(kg):  85.5
Breakfast:    2 eggs fried in butter
Lunch:          1.5 cups Chicken Soup
Supper:         0.5 cups of Chilli + Almond Bread
Exercise:       30 minute walk
                       40 minutes weeding the garden
1. I was tired today, I was however determined to keep on with the challenge, so, I muscled through.
2. Morning weigh in. I dropped another 0.8KG. Peed on a Urine Keto Strips. Strip showed that I have small amount of ketones in my system.
3. Started noticing my pee smelled kinda like onion, so, don't be alarmed if you notice that.

Day 4
Weight(kg):  84.9
Breakfast:    2 eggs fried with 3 bacon strips
Lunch:          0.5 cups Chilli + 2 leafs of lettuce
Supper:         Mixed Veggie Cauliflower Rice + 1 chicken drumstick
Exercise:       30 minutes of exercise using the Lift Session App
1. Morning weigh in. I dropped another 0.6KG. Peed on a Urine Keto Strips. I now have a moderate amount of ketones in my system.
2. Had a sorta metallic taste in my mouth. It is not unbearable though, so, pushed through knowing this will pass.

Day 5
Weight(kg):  84.9
Breakfast:    Skipped
Lunch:          0.5 cups of Chilli + Almond Bread
Supper:         Pizza
Exercise:       30 minutes youtube video dance
Comments:   Morning weigh in. For the first time, my weight stayed the same. I guess it is to be expected. Will see how it keeps going. Peed on a Urine Keto Strips. I have moderate amount of ketones in my system.

Day 6
Weight(kg):  84.4
Breakfast:    2 eggs fried with 3 bacon strips
Lunch:          2 leafs of lettuce + 2 chicken drumsticks
Supper:         Pizza
Exercise:       Nothing
Comments:   Morning weigh in. Dropped another 0.5KG, Yah!!, Peed on a Urine Keto Strips - moderate amount of ketones in my system. 

Day 7
Weight(kg):  83.8
Breakfast:    Skipped
Lunch:          Okra + Stew
Supper:         1.5 cups Chicken Soup
Exercise:       Nothing
Comments:   Morning weigh in. Dropped another 0.6KG. Peed on a Urine Keto Strips - moderate amount of ketones in my system.


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