Week 3 on Keto

WHAT A WEEK!!!!!! The scale kept creeping up for most of the week in spite of "doing the right thing". It was SOOOOO discouraging for the most part. I had to keep encouraging myself not to give up. The weight finally came crashing down though  phew!!! I decided to draw a graph for a visual representation of the week πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

All in all, I lost 0.9KG at the end of the week for a total of  4.9KG lost. So, all is well that ends well πŸ‘πŸ‘here is another overview of what I did and ate this week. I will update the recipes that I don't have up yet. So, stay tuned

Day 15
Weight(kg): 83.2
Breakfast:   Tazo Sweet Wild Orange Tea 
Lunch:         Quesadilla
Supper:        Cheesy Cauliflower 
Exercise:      37 minutes of exercise using the Lift Session App
                      30 minutes leisurely walk
Comments:  I had chilli and almond bread yesterday for supper and had an upsurge in my weight. I will keep an eye out for that. Maybe switch out when I eat almond bread / watch the combination of almond bread and chilli?.

Day 16
Weight(kg): 83.3
Breakfast:   Skipped
Lunch:         2 cups lettuce, 2 fried eggs, lots of olive oil and salt + pepper to taste
Supper:        Nigerian Vegetable Soup - Recipe to follow
Exercise:      35 minutes on the treadmill
                      40 minutes leisurely walk
Comments:  Am I going in the opposite direction or is this just a fluctuation that can be expected from day to day?

I noticed that I have not been doing very well with regular bowel movement even though I am drinking at least 2 litters if water. I read somewhere to drink apple cider viger + lemon juice in warm water first thing in the morning. I did that, we'll see if it helps in that department.

I decided to make a spicy Nigerian vegetable (spinach) soup sprinkled with bitter leaf to see if that also jars my bowels into movement. Frankly, I had as much as I wanted for supper, # of carbs be damned 😨😭

Day 17
Weight(kg): 83.7
Breakfast:    Skipped
Lunch:         1.5 cups Chicken Soup
Supper:        Mixed Veggie Cauliflower Rice 
Exercise:      37 minute walk
                      40 minutes weeding the garden
Comments:  This looks like a genuine stall. I think it is too early to be stalled. So, I skipped the bulletproof tea this morning and decided to eat what I ate on day 1 of the challenge. Let's see what the scale says tomorrow.

Day 18
Weight(kg): 83.8
Breakfast:    Skipped
Lunch:         Keto Lasagna
Supper:        Chicken Shirataki Noodle soup - Recipe to follow
Exercise:      30 minutes of Youtube dance exercise
                      40 minutes leisurely walk
Comments:  I am not super surprised at the jump. I am also not sure if it is getting close to that time of the month. If that is not the case, I might have to jar my body back into weight loss again with SOMETHING. I have not decided what yet. We'll see though

Day 19
Weight(kg): 84
Breakfast:    Skipped
Lunch:         Fried 3 eggs  + 4 strips of bacon
Supper:        Almond Fufu + Vegetable Soup
Exercise:      Nothing
Comments:  What a week so far, do I call in the lost week? Hmm

Day 20
Breakfast:    Skipped
Lunch:         Chicken Shirataki Noodle Soup
Supper:        Chicken Shirataki Noodle Soup
Exercise:      32 minutes of exercise using the Lift Session App
                      40 minutes leisurely walk
Comments:  I am back to day 10 weight. Waoh. What can I say?
I am encouraging myself not to give up. Perhaps this is just water weight

Day 21
Breakfast:    Skipped
Lunch:         Fried 3 eggs  + 4 strips of bacon 
Supper:        Keto Lasagna
Exercise:      1 hour of Gardening
Comments:  Morning weigh in. Dropped another 0.8KG since yesterday. I honestly think the weight lost just took a few days to show up. Pheww..


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